eBay Automation

Get a Competitive Advantage with our Certified eBay Tools
AuditBench.com is a certified eBay Automation Application, and can help you exponentially increase your eBay revenue while drastically reducing the listing and fulfillment effort.   eBay auctions can be generated right from the inventory search tool and completed auction data pulled into sales orders with no data entry required.

Quickly generate auctions from inventory items.
 Automatically pull buyer, price, shipping costs directly into the sales orders.
 No additional data entry required.
 Generate reports with option to deduct eBay fees from Revenue Share.

The eBay marketplace is a Monster Revenue Opportunity if you can  manage it correctly.

We have extensive experience with technology sales on eBay.  Our tools will help you overcome the challenges of selling on eBay and generate more revenue and margin from your eBay sales – overnight!   Exponentially increase sales while you decrease cost and effort.

  • Store Listings, Fixed Price and Classic Auctions generated with No Data Entry
  • Select items from inventory and click "List on eBay".
  • Item details are added to a listing template along with , title, price, etc
  • All eBay options and features are supported
  • eBay reports show progress of all auctions
  • Sales Order are automatically generated with buyer info and price as auction closes

AuditBench.com streamlines the flow of product from inventory to the eBay auction marketplace,  with little or no human intervention. We can use your existing eBay template or help you create a new one.  The data from the audit details will be inserted along with a picture with a few licks of the mouse. 

We have also streamlined the fulfillment process by converting closed auction data into sales orders,  and generating pick tickets and invoices automatically with no additional data entry or user intervention.

Get started today!