Job Setup:

Jobs are the mid tier entity between the customer object and the receipt object.  They can be used as placeholders tor a particular project or event where there will be one or more delivery.  Each customer can relate to multiple Jobs and a job can have multiple receipts (deliveries).

Required Services:

The Service Manager module is used to define recurring recycling and audit services provided in the course of handling product for a given customer.
Services can be pre-defined with this module and then selected at a Job level to indicate the services required for the partcular load of materials.

In this "Collectsion Event" job example, the only service required is Bulk Scrap.  Click here to see info on the the Service Manager module

Some of the information on this page is optional and can be used to track internal reference numbers and notes about the project.
There are also fields for updating job invoice information when it is complete:

The Job Status checkbox can be set when the auditing and reporting are complete for this job.
The Completed Date, Invoice Date, Invoice# and Invoice  Amount fields can be filled and used in summary reports for vendor / customer history.